I will tell you what I did:
I did read ...
and a lot of other junk links when I googled for it.
Here is "to the point" description:
- become a super user. >su
- Got preeti font from http://ncthakur.itgo.com/preeti.zip you can find preeti.ttf from anywhere else.
- keep preeti font in the desktop
go to /etc/fonts/
- copy the contents of the
fonts.conf (Do not modify that file)
- save the content as
local.conf in Desktop
- because local.conf was not available in my case, (even if it is available ) just add line
<dir>/usr/local/share/myfonts</dir> in appropriate place near top there are <dir> tags you can see.
- copy the file to the location
>> cp local.conf /etc/fonts - create a folder in /usr/local/share as myfonts
- copy preeeti to the folder >>cp preeti.TTF /usr/local/share/myfonts
- do this >>fc-cache /usr/local/share/myfonts/
- Good to go!
Thank you very much !!!