Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Vijaya Dashami to All!!!

I would like to wish Happy Vijaya Dashami to all!!!

Dashain is one of the major festival for Nepalese people. The description goes beyond  the capacity of words. It used to be the national festival of Nepal  and I suppose it still is. Besides the fact that Nepal has been named as a secular country. Culture and religion are so tied with the people that it does not matter what is written there.

I was searching for some images of goddess Durga, as demanded by the home minister. I found this interesting search result:

Seems like our big brother Google has found a place to advertise...

Well, no doubt, Google Image search is much better than what I could find by using Bing!

However, thanks Bing for reminding me that !!!


  1. Interesting!!
    Home ministers are always demanding? So you are police chief?

    Happy Dashsin you too bro!!
    Oh forgot, not only to you, also to your HM!!

  2. Wish you a very Happy Vijaya Dashami!!!

  3. तपाइ लगायत तपाईको परिवार र यो ब्गगका सम्पूर्ण पाठकहरुमा विजया दशमीको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना !

  4. @N Laure: Do not be afraid yaar, the demands are not that big.

    @Sujan Jee and Dilip Jee: Happy Vijay Dashami!!!


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