We need to have a mechanism or code where a "140 character section" can be devoted to tweeting!
Every blogger at this moment may have access to services like twitterfeed to syndicate the feed to twitter and facebook and hope a bit of publicity. Yes we do it with 140 characters :) . That is not bad if you eventually get a click through visitor. But so many tweets... what do I do with it?
Have you ever sat under a tree in the evening time?
The tweets are overwhelming like that.
When Sparkfun 100K Sale ended, I had posted some screenshots (http://bit.ly/818o5U) of the pain I was going thru, google and twitter quickly poured visitors. In that case it worked. However, in general, not all of my posts are interesting. The pain is added in reading tweets by half cut words lik...
Somebody Please develop a plug in or script for bloggers so that bloggers can add the useful highlight in "tweet" section.
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